

ORNL has specific header requirements for all ORNL-branded websites. For more information and code snippets, go to the Headers page.


ORNL has specific footer requirements for all ORNL-branded websites. For more information and code snippets, go to the Footers page.


ornl footer



Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web. More specifically, Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web, and that they can contribute to the Web. Web accessibility also benefits others such as older people, whose abilities may change as they age.  The Information Technology Services Division has implemented a free service called SiteImprove that will quickly show you where your site is not meeting accessibility requirements.  This tool also provides rich analytics and a quality assurance component that helps content owners see broken links within the website.  Click here to request this service.

Hiding and showing content

There will be cases in which you will need to selectively “show” and “hide” content by either removing it from the visual flow or preventing screen readers from reading it. We have settled on the following conventions for each use case:


hide hide Add the boolean hidden attribute to dynamically hide content from all users. Remove the attribute to show it again.
show hide Use the aria-hidden="true" attribute to “hide” content from screen readers while keeping it visually perceivable.
hide show Use the usa-sr-only class to show content to screen readers only. This removes the content from the visual flow of the document but retains its legibility for screen readers.


Every site needs to have a link to an ORNL contact. The link can be in the header, the footer, a sidebar, etc.

Register your site

Once your site is complete, send a request to Web Services and the site will be registered for you.


The last step is to make sure that your site meets SBMS standards.